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To join us :
Article number 4 of our status outlines the conditions to become a member of Gevalor. You may become : - Benefactor member: please fill in the Bulletin d’adhésion and fill in the « Membre bienfaiteur» part, send it with your donation to Gevalor's headquarters. Benefactor members may participate to general assembly but cannot vote and cannot be part of the administrative council. - Active member : to be an activ member, you also need to fill in the Bulletin d’adhésion and fill in the « Membre actif » part. Send it with your subscription to Gevalor's headquerters. You then may participate to general assembly and are able to vote ; you may also be a candidate to the administrative council. If you are tempted by adventure, you can also ask to work closer to Gevalor, either by helping the association, or help with one of the projects. GEVALOR is open to all the skills that will help the projects : in that case, please send a resume, so we can learn more about you. Donate to Gevalor: Donation to Gevalor can benefit of french tax reduction. If you want to become a donator please contact us. |
Gevalor a signé le 14 Févrie...