Articles are published in the original language they were written.
Article de la REPUBLIQUE DU CENTRE - Visite d'une délégation de la Ville d'Orléans à Parakou |
"C'est pas du vent", program from Anne-Cécile Bras
On air May 6th 2012
Collect and sort waste, methane emissions limitation, organic fertilizer... compost production has many advantages that multiply when projects are in megalopoles in less advances countries. Africompost project, led by GoodPlanet - Gevalor and ETC-Terra, develops composting platforms that treats organic matter in 6 african cities.
Invited: Georges Morizot, Gevalor's chairman
Baptiste Flipo, Chief program at GoodPlanet
Firmin Raonizanany, Madacompost manager
Emmanuel Ngnikam, ERA Cameroun's chairman
Edem Koledzi and Gaïa Ludington, interviewed by Peter Dogbe at the composting platform in Lome, managed by ENRPO
Listen to the program: 1 (in french)
Listen to the prgram: 2 (in french) |
AFRICOMPOST : Communiqué de Présentation (2 pages) |