

Gevalor was created by two former BRGM employees, Georges Morizot and François Proust. With an association formed under not-for-profit status, they wished to provide both technical and financial support to a Malagasy association called Tananamadio, which had as objective the recovery of household wastes, which were very rich in organic substances and their transformation into compost for agricultural use. After having registered the articles of association on the 20 September 2004 and with this appearing in the Official Journal on the 16 October 2004, the five founding members were appointed as directors in the constitutional general meeting on 22nd January 2005.

The object of Gevalor is the promotion of the recovery of waste and primary raw materials within the framework of long-term development concepts combining economic stability, protection of the environment and social development. However, the association very quickly oriented towards supporting the management of household refuse of cities in developing countries, which especially because of their limited funding, are encountering the greatest difficulties in managing waste in a satisfactory manner. 

A reflexion held with the French Fund for the Global Environment (FFEM) has led to consider the monetary recovery of the eliminations of methane emissions, which is a powerful greenhouse effect gas. These eliminations are the result of aerobic processing of organic substances during the composting process.

The GoodPlanet Foundation, being involved in the recovery of emission reductions, offered to pre-finance this project and has provided organisational and financial support to the first composting operation. The example of Mahajanga has then raised attention from several authorities and financing authorities, which has led to the launch of the Africompost Program, in partnership with GoodPlanet and with support from FFEM and from the AFD. The goal of Africompost is to spread this approach to six African cities. 

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